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2016年「TOKYO  FRONTLINE  PHOTO  AWARD  #5」グランプリ受賞。2017年写真集「OBLIQUE LINES」をイタリアの出版社「LʼArtiere  Edizioni」コレクションとして刊行。

Yuki Morita

A 2012 graduate of Sociology from Meijigakuin University, Yuki Morita was born in Saitama Japan. He embarked on a career as a photographer, his work elaborating image and memory inspired by his undergraduate Sociology studies, when he had developed an interest in focusing on the individual, studying their life story and examining the society in which they live. Sensing that photography might be a good medium for his approach, he chose himself as a research subject, and began a project assembling and editing a body of images closely connected to his daily life. In 2016, he was awarded the Grand Prix in the Tokyo Frontline Photo Award ♯5. In 2017, published a book , “OBLIQUE LINES” of a collection of  “LʼArtiere  Edizioni.”

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